Thursday, November 17, 2016

17 November – Penguin Island, Rockingham

17 November 2016 – 195 504
Penguin Island, Rockingham

This morning we had a little bit of a sleep-in and were caught with an unscheduled early morning FaceTime with Hayden’s teacher – always great to have a meeting with your child’s teacher in your pyjamas and without having brushed your hair!  We are so lucky with how involved Hayden’s teacher has kept him – he contacted us this morning to see if Hayden wished to be considered in the voting for House Captains for next year – so thoughtful!  
Today we went to Penguin Island, which is just off-shore from Rockingham.  
We started with a cruise around Shoalwater Bay to look at some of the many islands that make up the Shoalwater Islands Marine Park.  We saw birds nesting in the rocky outcrops, and dolphins swimming the water, one with a young calf.  We then visited the area around Seal Island, where we could watch more than twenty Australian Sea Lions resting on the island and two playing together in the water.  We were then dropped off at Penguin Island, the only island in the group where people are permitted to land.  The Discovery Centre had Penguin Feeding of the twelve “rescue” birds that have not been able to be returned to the wild – apparently about fifty per year are rehabilitated and returned to the wild after recovering. These were Little Penguins, also known as Fairy Penguins or Blue Penguins.  It was lovely to watch the birds preening, swimming and waddling.  We then took a walk around the island – we saw many, many (hundreds of) seabirds nesting or with young chicks in various stages of fluffiness.  Under the staircase at the southern end of the island, we were fortunate to spot a wild penguin during daylight hours – quite special!  We returned to the Discovery Centre to watch another feeding session to finish the day, before returning to the mainland on the short ferry ride.  Awesome Day!

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