Tuesday, December 6, 2016

6 December - Valley of Giants Wilderness Discovery Centre and Conspicuous Cliff, Peaceful Bay

6 December 2016 – 197 928
Valley of Giants Wilderness Discovery Centre and Conspicuous Cliff, Peaceful Bay

Today we started with the Valley of Giants Tree Top Walk – this is a walk through the canopy of the Red Tingle Forest between Walpole and Denmark. https://parks.dpaw.wa.gov.au/site/tree-top-walk
These trees remind me of old fashioned teapots, with a big wide base and a spout where the first branch comes off. 

We then walked the Ancient Empire Walk which is a boardwalk through the forest.  It was interesting to get the two different perspectives.  
Next up we walked along the Bibbulmun Track from the Valley of the Giants to the Giants Hut and back – lovely to walk through these beautiful dense forests.  

Our next destination was Peaceful Bay. We watched a group of school kids having swimming lessons in this sheltered and picturesque bay. 

After a picnic lunch we drove to Conspicuous Cliff and climbed to the lookouts.  
We then walked down to the beach and over the dunes up to the top of the cliff along the Bibbulmun Track.  This was a very steep climb in spots.  We had company on the track – in the form of a kangaroo and joey, very special to see them feeding quietly completely in the wild.  We kept climbing, and climbing, and climbing – but the view from the top was amazing!  It was most definitely worth the climb.

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