Friday, September 30, 2016

30 September - School and Maintenance

30 September 2016 – 188 346
School and Maintenance
This morning while Hayden was doing school work, I started getting organised for tomorrows departure from Broome – exciting things like washing and groceries!  Again we spent the majority of the day at the library, and finished with a swim.  Hayden has been really enjoying throwing a ball with Drew at the pool each afternoon and getting out his frustrations.

Week 15 from Hayden

Week 15 from Hayden (10yo boy)

Today was a school work day.

Today was a school work day and we had a swim.

Today we went to the Mango Farm and had a mango smoothie.  Then we went and looked at the port. Then we had a swim.

Today was a school work day.  We had a swim.

Today was a school work day. We had a swim.

Today was a school work day.  We had a swim.

Today was a school work day.  We had a swim.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

29 September - School Day

29 September 2016 – 188 324
School Day
Today was a school work day.  The weather today was quite different to what we had been having, with quite a bit of wind and cooler temperatures.  Again we finished the day with a swim.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

28 September - School Day

28 September 2016 – 188 314

School Day

This morning I went for a run – running here is weird, going out is hot and slow, coming back you have a head wind, but because it makes it so much cooler, it is actually easier.  We spent most of the day at the library again, doing school work.  Hayden has finished Term 3 and is getting a head start on Term 4.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

27 September - School Day

27 September 2016 – 188 304

School Day

Today was a school day again.  The weather here was very humid and overcast – we however spent the majority of the day in the library’s air conditioning.  This afternoon we once again, relaxed with a swim.

Monday, September 26, 2016

26 September - Lazy Day in Broome

26 September 2016 – 188 246

Lazy Day in Broome

Today we had a lazy start to the day.  After breakfast, Hayden and I went for a walk from the caravan park to Yawuru Conservation Park.
We climbed the stairs to the top of the sand dunes and were rewarded with views both directions along Cable Beach.  We sat and enjoyed the view for a while before returning by a different route.  After sitting around reading our books for a while, we went to “The Mango Place”.  We enjoyed a delicious piece of mango cheesecake, while Hayden had a smoothie. The port was our next stop, the jetty is currently closed to walkers so unfortunately we couldn’t do any handline fishing.  In the afternoon, we had a sleep, followed by a read and a long swim – such a hard life!

Sunday, September 25, 2016

25 September - School Day

25 September 2016 - 188 236

School Day

Today was a school work day again.  Drew and I did odd jobs while supervising. This afternoon, I gave myself a pedicure. Once again we all enjoyed a swim at the end of the day.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

24 September - School Day

24 September 2016 – 188 226

School Day

This morning I went out for a short run – my first in ages.  We spent the morning at the library doing school work again.  The afternoon was spent on school at the caravan park, followed by a swim.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Week 14 from Hayden

Week 14 from Hayden (10 yo boy)

Today we packed up and drove to Broome and did the Staircase to the Moon

Today we went to the pearl farm and the bird house.  I felt sick, then we came home and I spewed and laid around and spewed and then I went to bed, go up and spewed.

Today I finished the Envision Maths Book. We saw the staircase to the moon.

Today we went and saw the flying boat wrecks.  Then we had a swim.

Today was a schoolwork day.  We went and saw the dino footprints!

Today we went and drove up to Cape Leveque and had breakfast.  Then we went to One Arm Point and got in to the hatchery.  Then we went and got in the plane and flew to the falls and took the boat out to look at it.  There we swam with the sharks!  Then we flew back to Broome and had a swim!

Today was a school work day.  We had a swim.

23 September - School Day

23 September 2016 – 188 192
School Day

Today we spent the day doing odd jobs and supervising school work.  As Hayden has been out of internet range for some time, he has a lot to catch up on.  We spent part of the day at the library.  After school we all headed to the pool for a swim.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

22 September - Beagle Bay, Cape Leveque, Buccaneer Archipelago and Horizontal Falls; Kimberley

22 September 2016 – 188 192
Beagle Bay, Cape Leveque, Buccaneer Archipelago and Horizontal Falls; Kimberley
This morning we were up super early, ready to be picked up at 5:25am.  The bus was actually slightly early to collect us.  After picking up the remainder of the passengers we headed north along the Cape Leveque Road.  Our first stop was the Beagle Bay Aboriginal Community, where we visited the church.  This white stone building is almost one hundred years old and quite nice to look at from the exterior.  The inside is amazing; the altar, window frames, trims on the floor, etc are all made of pearl shell – it is quite spectacular.  We then drove up to Kooljaman at Cape Leveque.  Here the beaches are quite unusual – there are red rocky cliffs going down to the white sandy beach.  Hayden and Drew both enjoyed a swim.  We were then driven over to One Arm Point, from where we took a seaplane over the Buccaneer Archipelago.  This was really pretty – the coastline at this end of the Kimberley is quite different to that at the Wyndham end.  I have never previously been in a seaplane – the take-off from land was very similar to other small planes, landing on the water was much gentler than on land.  The Horizontal Falls themselves are two small openings in the cliff faces that the tide races through creating a waterfall.  We were able to go through the first fall, which is 20m wide.  This had a definite drop in height as we went through and the speed boat then bounced around in the waterfall.  There were also whirlpools, about 1-2m wide in many places around the opening.  The suction of water was awesome.  We then went over the second fall, which has an opening of 7.5m.  Due to the narrower opening, this one has much more force.  We did not go through this fall as the drop was 3m, which apparently is not safe to go through.  The skipper reversed the boat into the opening, and then drove it forward at 13knots to maintain position (i.e. to stay still).  We then had several more goes through the first fall – it is a unique experience!  The skipper then took us for a tour of Cyclone Creek, a natural boat shelter during the wet season – it has high cliff walls and deep water for the boats.  Last of all was the seaplane flight from Talbot Bay back to Broome – take off was gentler than conventional small aircraft and landing was very similar to conventional aircraft.  We flew back over King Sound and the Dampier Peninsula – again some beautiful scenery.  We arrive back at the caravan park at 5:10pm – 11 hours 45 minutes all up.  Needless to say we were all very tired – we had a quick swim and got ready for bed. Wow – what a day!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

21 September - Dinosaur Footprints, Japanese and Chinese Cemetery, Cable Beach; Broome

21 September 2016 – 188 148
Dinosaur Footprints, Japanese and Chinese Cemetery, Cable Beach; Broome

This morning we went to Gantheaume Point at low tide to look at the dinosaur footprints – we found two different sets and again saw heaps of cool marine life.
We looked around for Anastasia’s Pool but could not be sure we found it despite finding several large rockholes.  We then headed to Cable Beach where Hayden had a swim in the beautiful but waveless beach.
We also saw the camels walking along the beach.  The Japanese and Chinese cemeteries were interesting to see. 
In the afternoon Drew and I each had a massage and we all enjoyed a swim in the pool.