Thursday, September 15, 2016

15 September - Tunnel Creek National Park, Geikie Gorge National Park and Derby

15 September 2016 – 187 259
Tunnel Creek National Park, Geikie Gorge National Park and Derby
After packing up, we headed to Tunnel Creek National Park – this is a tunnel cut through the limestone of an ancient coral reef by a river – very unusual. 
As we walked through this we were able to spot four freshwater crocodiles in the water, a bit freaky wading back through the water!  We then drove on, on a very chopped up and corrugated road to Fitzroy Crossing. I think we were all very glad to be back on bitumen roads, although it seems rather strange after two plus weeks on various types of dirt. From here we headed out to Geike Gorge for a walk. This is another gorge carved out of an ancient coral reef – the rock is white where the water washes it during the wet season and dark above the water line where dust and dirt accumulate.  The walk was pretty but swimming was not allowed in the gorge and the march flies were truly vicious, as soon as we stopped moving for even a brief moment we were bitten multiple times.  We then drove on to Derby, arriving just on dark. We are staying at the Kimberley Entrance Caravan Park; this is a very large park that is clearly now into the shoulder season – they have only one of three blocks of amenities operating and there is stacks of space available.

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