Monday, July 25, 2016

25 July - Dramas!

25 July 2016 – 180 110


This morning I got up early to take some photos of the Devils Marbles in the dawn light – very pretty. After packing up we headed north with the plan to go to Daly Waters for the night.  Unfortunately, the car was making a dreadful whining sound that kept getting worse, even though it seemed to be running fine.  When we got to Tennant Creek, we decided to find a mechanic.  The first mechanic was “interesting” and told us to come back in an hour and a half.  Drew then found another mechanic who was available immediately in a very busy looking workshop.  Opinion – idler bearings (hopefully) or alternator (prefer not, more expensive and may not have parts in Tennant Creek).  So they replaced the idler bearings – and the noise was still there.  This mechanic then spent a considerable amount of time on the phone trying to track down an alternator (either Prado or Hilux as some can interchange) in Tennant Creek.  Eventually he found someone with one in stock and sent us directly to him.  We dropped off the car with the auto electrician and were told he would be two to three hours.  I had been sick for the last few days and steadily getting worse so we took the opportunity to see if the general practitioners in Tennant Creek could fit me in – they could, in eight days’ time!! However, the receptionist suggested I go around the corner to the Tennant Creek Hospital Emergency Department. This was much, much quieter than my previous experiences with Emergency, it seemed more like a no appointment medical centre – I am sure they have their crazy times though.  The doctor confirmed what I expected, bronchitis with asthma – so I was given the necessary prescriptions, which we filled and started immediately. Usually it takes a few days before they really make a difference.  When we finished at the hospital, the car was ready; so we set off north again. We stopped at Attack Creek for Hayden to look at a John McDouall Stuart memorial and see where one of the expeditions turned around. We stopped for the night at Dunmurra Wayside Inn for the night, all exhausted. We did the most minimal set up we have ever done and then purchased dinner in the Wayside Inn – Chicken Parmigiana for Drew and I, and a hamburger for Hayden – the food was a good sized serve and good quality.  Then more asthma puffers for me and off to bed.  A very tiring and expensive day!

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