Thursday, July 7, 2016

07/07/2016. Uluru school day.

Today was a Hayden school day, so whilst he studied hard Tracy did the washing and I cleaned the car and topped up the water tanks etc. We had our main meal for lunch as it was so cold. I cooked up a load of rissoles, and snags to be eaten later. Today was heavily clouded and we had a small amount of rain just after lunch. At 2:30pm we headed over to the Astro hub and looked around and then listened to an astronomer talk about her work studying supermassive black holes. Hayden had the opportunity to use the website the presenter used,, and he enjoyed the site and the conversation with the presenter. The sun came out around 4pm for a couple of hours, however the sun felt very weak today. On dusk we walked up to the top of the nearest lookout, however the view wasn’t that great, and the strain of the last few days activities took their toll on us and our relationships, so we came back home and prepared for bed.

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