Monday, December 30, 2019

National Capital Exhibition and Parliament House (Snowy Mountains and Canberra Trip)

Monday 30 December 2019 – 281 059

The National Capital Exhibition was today’s destination.  Unfortunately, they opened an hour later than their signage indicated. This gave me an opportunity to look at Lake Burley Griffin from another angle and at the Captain Cook Memorial.  The water level in the lake is visibly low, reflecting the prolonged period without rain. 
All that smoke!

Stop two was a quick visit to the Australian War Memorial, where we looked at the outdoor exhibits as well as information on the Cold War, Korea, Malaya and Borneo.

We then met up with a friend of Drew’s at Parliament House and her husband walked us around many of the non-public areas.  After lunch in Queen’s Terrace Café, we looked at the artwork adorning many of the public areas, including an enormous hand-woven tapestry.  We also looked at the Alfred Deakin display. 

A guided tour at 3:30pm with “Kylie” took us to view both chambers, as well as explaining the symbolic layout of Parliament House.  I had not realised just how enormous it is – 300m by 300m!  Last of all we went onto the grassed area of the roof.  A strong wind had sprung up and the sky was the clearest we had seen it and the flag was definitely flapping.  Another full day.

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