Friday, October 28, 2016

Week 19 from Hayden

Week 19 from Hayden (11 yo boy)

Today we went to the blowholes, they were awesome.  One was so massive it shot 10-15m in the air.  Then we went snorkelling (cold).  Then we did school.

Today was a school work day (the last ever in 2016).  We did geography, geography and geography, then we did a geography test.  And then, well, I read because I was done, done, done, done, done, done, done, done.  I was done 5K.  Then for dinner we had BBQ meatlovers pizza, BBQ chicken and bacon pizza, garlic bread (best ever) and a massive bottle of fanta (they have an Eagle Boys in Carnarvon)

Today we packed down and drove to Denham.  On the way we went to Shell Beach and the stromatolites (our great x 1000 grandmas brothers or nephews, 1000th cousins).  Then we set up in Denham, then we drove to the artesian bath (best ever).

Today we went to Monkey Mia and saw the dolphins get fed 3 times.  The way it worked was they waited for some dolphins to come in from the sea, then they got us into the water ankle deep, then they told us about the dolphins currently in the feeding zone.  Then they told us the pelican "Rogue" sometimes stole the fish from the dolphins.  The first encounter we had "Surprise" and "Shock", second we had "Surprise", "Shock", "Piccolo£, "Flute", "Piper", "Wirrina", "Puck", "Eden" and "Kiya", the third encounter was "Surprise" and "Shock".  Then we went and had lunch,  Then we went on the 3 hour animal spotting cruise and saw 4 dugongs, some dolphins and some turtles.  Well really, they saw us and took off.  Then we did a sunset tour, it was awesome.

Today we went to Francois Peron National Park and drove to Cape Peron and did some 4WD.  Then we went to the hot tub.

Today we went to Little Lagoon and had a look, then we went to Eagle Bluff.  It was high.  Then we went to Ocean Park Aquarium and saw all the animals.  My favourite was the shark who wouldn't let go of the food (I don't blame it).  Then we walked around town and I played in the biggest playground in the world.

Today we packed down and went to Kalbarri and set up.  In between, we did two walks, 300m and 100m at Kalbarri National Park at Ross Graham lookout.

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