Thursday, June 30, 2016

30 June - Alice Springs

30 June 2016 – 177 203

Alice Springs
This morning we awoke at the Tropic of Capricorn, Hayden and I did some sprint work in the rest area before breakfast.  Alice Springs here we come! 

We are staying at G’Day Mate Tourist Park in Alice Springs for tonight and tomorrow night.

Off to the tourist information centre to find out about the National Parks in the area, then the supermarket to restock.  After a late lunch, Drew had a sleep and Hayden and I headed out.  First stop was the Central Australian Aviation Museum which had about ten different aircraft, ranging from early planes such as the Avro A3 and various de Havilland aircraft through to a DC-3.  Hayden had a turn on a flight simulator and enjoyed crashing his plane in a variety of ways as well as flying it.

Second stop was the Pioneer Womens Hall of Fame and Alice Springs Old Gaol – this was interesting but would ideally be taken slower and without children as there was much reading to do with nothing to keep children entertained while the adults read.
Tomorrow's plan is to get up early and go to the Alice Springs Desert Park.

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

29 June 2016 - Stuart Highway

29 June 2016 – 176 718

Stuart Highway

I got up at first light to admire the Pebbles in the early morning light – they glowed red, just beautiful!! 
Packed up the van and headed to Lake Mary Ann for showers – there were two taps and hence we were hopeful of hot showers, it was better described as one tap providing water that was less cold than the other.  We were all definitely awake after our showers.  It was a lovely spot by the water and we saw Sturt's Desert Pea growing – the first time I have seen these.  Tennant Creek was a fairly small town, stopped off to get fuel and bread and then headed south.  We detoured slightly off the highway to Devils Marbles (Karlu Karlu) and drove through – these are beautiful and we will aim to camp here on our way north to Darwin so that we can see them at sunrise and sunset. We camped for the night at Tropic of Capricorn Rest Area about 30km north of Alice Springs.  Tomorrow we will headed into Alice Springs for a day or two before going out onto the Red Centre Way. They have a special satellite dish that has a spot to put your mobile phone, to boost the signal enough to make emergency calls.  They have signs for these periodically along the Stuart Highway.

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

28 June 2016 - Barkly Highway

28 June 2016 – 176 085

Barkly Highway

We were up early, packed up and away by 7am to travel the entire length of the Barkly Highway.  There are rest stops by the side of the road roughly every 50km, with the only other stops being Camooweal, Avon Downs Police Station and Barkly Homestead.  We stopped for lunch at the Barkly Homestead and had a look around.

When we reached The Three Ways we turned left and headed to The Pebbles, just north of Tennant Creek – a lovely free campsite, with a section of quite corrugated road on the way in.  Took a walk around the Pebbles (Kunjarra) and got some lovely photos, followed by marshmallows on the campfire.

Monday, June 27, 2016

27 June - Prepare and Organise

27 June 2016 – 176 054

Prepare and Organise

Hayden had his other school day for the week and got through his work promptly.  Drew topped up our food supplies and petrol before our departure from Mt Isa tomorrow.  I washed everything in preparation for departure, and cooked up some treats while we have access to a large spacious camp kitchen.  I also got one of my continuing education exams completed.  Hayden has really sore stomach/core muscles from his major workout at the Family Fun Park yesterday.

Lazy afternoon, nibbling chips, reading and painting my toenails. After dinner we climbed up to the hill behind the caravan park which gave a great view.  Plan is to get up early to pack up and be away for our long drive to Tennant Creek tomorrow.

26 June - Rest and Refresh

26 June 2016 – 176 038

Rest and Refresh

Today we did Hayden’s first school work day, which went fairly well and took until mid afternoon.  While he was doing this Drew washed the car inside and out while I cleaned up the van, supervised Hayden, put up my blog posts for the trip so far and worked on some of my work continuing education journals.  Once school was out for the day we did haircuts for both boys. 

Next we headed to the Family Fun Park – this is quite a large facility with plenty of play equipment for a variety of ages as well as a water park that operates all year round.  Hayden spent ages on a challenging climbing obstacle course set up.  After dinner we introduced Drew to Uno and played several rounds.

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Day 9 25/06/2016. Mount Isa tourists.

We started the day with a brisk walk up to Ray Donaldson Memorial Lookout. It was a nice morning view of Mount Isa and the general area. The view was clear, and the countryside rough. We then went to the underground hospital for a tour. The hospital was built into the hill in WW2 once Darwin had been bombed. It was not used in anger, however they had to practice twice weekly to evacuate patients from the hospital to the underground hospital. It was smaller than I thought, however it was built for Mount Isa in the mid 1940’s so the population was very small. They had a lot of the original equipment in the tunnels, so you could gain some sense as to the way it would have been. After our standard grocery shop and stroll around town we when to the fossil centre. The centre was small and a little outdated, however the fossils were unique and well presented. Hayden spent half an hour uncovering the “fossil” in the sandpit made for kids. At sunset we headed up to City Lookout to see the sunset over the city and the main mine. It was a great opportunity for Tracy to take a lot of photos.


25 June - Mt Isa Tourist Spots

25 June 2016 – 176 012

Mt Isa Tourist Spots

Today started with a hike up to Ray Donaldson Memorial Lookout which provided a view over both Mt Isa and the countryside toward Cloncurry, and a lovely walk. 

Next stop was the Underground Hospital – this was built by the miners during World War 2 after Darwin was bombed in anticipation of air strikes on Mt Isa, but was thankfully never used. It included general wards, maternity and nursery wards as well as storage in three connected tunnels; and is directly next door to Mt Isa base hospital for quick evacuation. 

Adjacent to this is a restored tent house – these had raised timber floors, a timber frame, canvas walls and roof underneath a second corrugated iron roof; Mt Isa had many of these through until the 1960’s. 

And then we went shopping on “Rodeo Drive”…. at the chemist, probably the only time I will shop on Rodeo Drive! 

This afternoons fossils were at the Riversleigh Fossil Centre which had a variety of megafauna – some animals that are very like their modern relatives, and some that are just plain strange.  Hayden had a great time uncovering a fossil in the sandpit using scoops and brushes.

 After dinner we headed to City Lookout for sunset and a night view over the mine – it does look a bit like a ship at night with its funnels and multiple levels of small lights like portholes.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Week 1 from Hayden

Hayden (10 year old boy)

Mum and Dad picked me up from school.  We took some selfies before we left.  We then drove to Tiaro and stayed in the free campsite, it was almost full.  We set up in the dark.

We set down in the dark and left at 5:30 for Maryborough to do parkrun.  I came 26th and Dad came 27th.  We then left.  When we were driving we played a game called the trivia game.  The council had put questions on signs and we guessed the answer, another sign would tell us the answer.  We stopped at a small rest stop on the highway to have morning tea then we drove to a small service station 50km south of Rockhampton to top up fuel and have lunch.  We then drove to Blackwater in the hope of a shower, no luck. After that we drove to Emerald and are staying the night at Emerald Cabin and Caravan Park.

I woke up at 7:00 to have a snuggle in bed with Mum and Dad.  Mum's birthday.  It rained and rained today, it stopped at 11:00 and the showers stopped at 1:00.  I finished my English for a Purpose book.  We also went to Emerald Baptist Church.  It is a small community at the church, we sang some songs and had communion.  When we got back we had lunch.  Me and some boys fed rainbow lorikeets.  We took turns in shooing the other birds away.  Feed them 2 1/2 pieces of bread.

We packed up early in the morning and left and drove to Winton via Longreach.  I saw my first red road.  We arrived at 5:30 and set up.

We went and saw the Dinosaur Stampede.  I think I discovered an Iguanidon footprint amongst it.  I bought a badge and a stamp.  We also saw a Musical Fence and I played it really well.

We drove from Winton to Richmond via Hughenden

I slept in to 7:30 today.  We went to Kronosaurus Korner.  We watched a video about sea dinosaurs.  They gave us an audio thing that you pressed the number of the display and it told you about the display.  There was an almost complete Kronosaurus fossil.  Then we went to a fossicking site to try and find fossils.  We then drove from Richmond to a free campsite 61km from Mt Isa.

Today we drove to Mt Isa and set up absolutely everything.  We went and did the Hard Times Mines Tour, we went 20m underground in the special gear.  I learnt rock bolts are 20kg and can hold up 15 tonne of rock.  We got to use a rock hammer! We saw the hall where the miners ate and we had lunch there, I ate six sandwiches and a pastie.  We came up to the surface in a Toyota.

Day 8 24/06/2016. We have been underground.

Hayden and I had a late start to the day and we packed up camp and drove only 60 km to Mount Isa. The country side change greatly after Cloncurry. It is mountainous, and very ruggered now, and many contrasting colours of red rock, black tree trunks and green foliage.  After a visit to the information office we checked into the Big 4 for 4 days for the price of 3. We plan to have at least 1 school day, and also it gives us time to clean, shop, wash etc. Today we spent around 2 hours out of a 3.25 hour of a mine tour underground. The ex-miners showed us a lot of the mine equipment and how to use it etc, and some informed us of some of the history on the Mount Isa mines. Hayden really got into the tour, and the miners loved his energy, and his afternoon tea appetite! It is a shame we couldn’t go into the real mine, however someone sued them once, so that is no longer possible. I do love that the miners put in time for free to build a new small mine just for tourists coming to the town to be able to see.


Day 7 23/06/2016. Dinosaurs, no marine fossils.

First. Great game last night. 15 people crammed into a camp kitchen with 4 Blues supporters as fodder. This morning started with a late rise, and then off to the Kronosaurus Korner Museum in Richmond. The museum was very good, however you had to listen to an audio device that was held to your ear. Each section was extensive, so my interest failed a little, and my arms killed being in the on the phone state for almost 2 hours! The amount of fossils however was vast and very well displayed. We then drive 12 km out of town to free fossil hunting are, and spent around 45 minutes pretending we knew what we were doing. We did find plenty of fossil shells, and Hayden spent the entire time excavating a large rock / “fossil”. After a quick fuel stop and lunch in the park we headed west and put down some more km. We are now in a free camp site 60km from Mount Isa. The park is full with the grey nomad’s. Tomorrow off to Mount Isa and a few days in a van park so we can restock with food, see some sites, do a shake down including washing, and at least a day of school for Hayden.


24 June - Underground Mining

24 June 2016 – 175 947

Underground Mining

This morning we packed up and headed into Mt Isa.  We have booked in for four nights at the Discovery Big 4 Argylla.
We did a full set up with awnings, table, chairs etc since we will be here for a few days.  I gave the van a good interior clean and did two loads of washing.  After lunch we ventured underground on the Hardtimes Mine Tour at Outback at Isa.
This was a three hour tour led by a former underground miner into a replica underground mine.  After kitting up in hard hat, overalls, boots and miners lamp we descended in a “cage” to 20m – this is nothing compared to the current lowest levels at the Mt Isa mine, 1980m.  The tour guide, Ian, then explained the various processes involved in underground mining – how the broken up ore is “mucked” out; how the walls and roof are reinforced with mesh, rock bolts and resin; how the raise borer creates the vertical holes for ventilation; how the holes for the explosives are patterned, created and charged; how the charges are fired; and the process repeated again and again. Each person had a turn on one of the big drills, with assistance.  Some of the machinery was started up to give an idea of the noise and vibration that is experienced working in this environment.  Next stop was the crib room for afternoon tea, before heading back to the surface in a Toyota.  All round an interesting tour.

Thursday, June 23, 2016

23 June - Marine Fossils by the Hundred

23 June 2016 – 175 577

Marine Fossils by the Hundred

This morning we had a leisurely start with a sleep in for the boys, while I watched the beautiful colours of dawn over the lake from my bed – it is a tough life!

After breakfast we went for a walk around the lake (1.2km circuit), before heading off to Kronosaurus Korner.  We spent two hours at this extensive collection of marine fossils. These were well displayed and accompanied by both information signs and a self-guided audio track. Some of the skeletons on display were amazingly close to complete – in particular the Kronosaurus queenslandicus (a marine reptile) and Minmi paravertebra (an armoured dinosaur) giving a real idea of the size, shape and structure of these ancient creatures. I found this and the Lark Quarry Stampede the best of the Australian Dinosaur Trail.

After lunch we headed west again, stopping for the night at Fountain Springs Rest Area, about half way between Cloncurry and Mt Isa – a very popular spot filled almost to capacity.

Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Day 6 22/06/2016. Dinosaurs! Yes Dinosaurs.

We spent a second night behind the North Gregory Hotel. Up at 6am to leave at 7:45am, as they were about to open the road to the Australia Age of Dinosaurs Nature History Museum. We unhitched the van at the start of the road, and I did my best 4WD’ing through the still flowing creek. Well it was a little bit of fun. The museum was good, with 2 parts to the tour. One to the museum part and one tour to the work shed, which I preferred. The tour did not go to the depth as Eromanga, however it is a busier facility. It is well worth the time if you enjoy Dinosaurs and fossils.  We then drove for 2.5 hours to Hughenden, to the Flinders Discover Centre. This was a simple browse by yourself open building, with a mix of history and fossils. It was basic compared to Winton’s attractions. We then drove to Richmond, and spend the night by the lake. It is a beautiful stop, and we hope to complete our Dinosaur experience here. I plan to watch the game in the camp kitchen tonight!

p.s. Photos to come in the next few days

Day 5 21/06/2016. Dinosaurs, well sort of.

After a great night’s sleep, we were up and off to the Dinosaurs Stampede diggings. It was a 110 km drive each way, half of which was gravel. With all the rain there were a lots of detours and road works, so we did a bit of off-roading on this trip. The car is brown now. Hayden enjoyed the drive out, as I was driving so we had a little bit of water and mud flying around! The stampede site was quite interesting, and of course the local employees made it better with their passion. 3,300 dinosaur foot prints in one area of rock. Hayden’s interest once again kicked in and he asked the guide lots of questions. The country side around the centre was also stunning. After lunch we visited the musical fence, and let Hayden loose for 30 plus minutes. We have decided to stay another night in Winton in the hope that the road to Australian Age of Dinosaurs Nature History Museum is open tomorrow. Fingers crossed.


p.s. Photos to come in the next few days

22 June - Dinosaurs Galore!

22 June 2016 – 175 217

Dinsoaurs Galore!

First stop today was the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum – the road reopened this morning after ten days of closure due to the wet conditions and damage to the road works that were underway during the “dry season”.
The Prado went through its first creek crossing since we have owned it – well done Drew!  This museum involved two tours, one of the laboratory which was very similar to Eromanga Natural History Museum, and one of the collection area, which while it had more bones than the Eromanga Natural History Museum I did not feel was as viewer friendly. 

The Age of Dinosaurs Museum has most of two dinosaurs – Matilda, a sauropod, Diamantinasaurus matildae; and Banjo, a smaller carnivorous dinosaur, Australovenator wintonensis

The views of the surrounding countryside were amazing! Truly beautiful country!.  Heading out of town we went fossil fossicking – we found many shells and Hayden felt he had found something far more interesting!!  Who knows what we really found. 

Next up we drove the 200+ km to Hughenden on the Kennedy Development Road to the Flinders Discovery Centre.  This included a life size skeleton of the Muttaburrasaurus – thankfully he was a herbivore.  There was also short film on the geological formation of the nearby Porcupine Gorge which was quite interesting.

Then on to Richmond, the third town on the Australian Dinosaur Trail.  We are camped for the night at Richmond Lakeview Caravan Park with beautiful views of the lake – lovely pink shades at sunset.  We also saw amazing flocks of birds circling around before settling in distant trees, making it appear the trees had turned white there were so many birds on them.