Monday, August 1, 2016

1 August - Butterfly Gorge and Douglas Hot Springs

1 August 2016 – 181 340
Butterfly Gorge and Douglas Hot Springs

A two-hour drive, one hour of it a 4WD track covering 17km, took us to Butterfly Gorge Nature Park. The track had a few hairy spots where we hit the bash plate on the car, and several water crossings which came over the running boards. 
 Butterfly Gorge does not look like anything much from the car park, or even from the lookout walk.  Once you descend into the gorge it opens out into a large, very deep waterhole that has cliff faces on one side and sand on the other.  It is possible to swim across the gorge and then climb up into the next waterhole, swim across it (it is a lot colder than the main one) and then climb again up to another large, very deep waterhole.  We spent quite a while enjoying each waterhole. The rock faces of the gorge were incredibly smooth from the passage of water over many years, and had some beautiful colours in them.

 Next stop was the Douglas Hot Springs where we ate a very late lunch and then spent a couple of very relaxing hours lying in the shallows.  The water where it came out of the spring was far too hot to be comfortable, but a little way downstream it joined a creek filled with cold water.  Sitting just upstream of the junction the water was mainly warm, with occasional bursts of hot or cold water depending on the water currents and other people’s movements in the water.  There were many small fish that would come and nibble at the bits of dead skin on your feet, elbows etc.  I could have spent all day lying here, just serene!  In a smooth section of the dirt road, we gave Hayden his first ever driving lesson – he appeared to enjoy it. On the road on the way back toward the Stuart Highway we saw the largest piles of hay bales I have ever seen, they were really, really high. 
We also encountered our first corrugated bitumen road – it appears that anything and everything can be corrugated in the N.T..

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