Sunday, February 18, 2024

Apollo Bay to Elliott Ridge Campground (GOW Trip)

 18 February 2024 (Day 1) 15 -22 degrees

We got up with the dawn light, which wasn’t until well after 6:30am. We had showers and packed up. Then off into town to the start of the walk. We stopped a few hundred metres in to have hashbrown brekkie rolls for breakfast – delicious. Thank you Little Crumb.

Then off again. The first part of the walk is not particularly interesting as it is just through town. The walk goes literally right through the middle of Marengo Caravan Park, where we sparked the curiosity of a family of 3 young lads who asked all sorts of questions about what was in our big bags. On the rocks off Marengo were lots of birds and some fur seals. Then the views began.


The first two short beach walks had lots of cool shells. The sand on the beaches is very soft, even on the wet sand I broke through the surface, so pretty much everyone carrying a pack is going to. Three Creeks Beach had rock platforms. Shelly Beach is very small and doesn’t have shells but does have cool rock holes which we spent some time exploring- we saw Eight Armed Sea Stars and Waratah Anemones. 

There is a steep climb up from Shelly Beach followed by a steep descent to Elliott River which was a very easy crossing for us. The climb back up to the campsite was very steep (as advertised).

 The campsite is lovely bushland with lots of small birds. I saw Superb Fairy Wrens and a similar sized bird with a light grey top and yellow (slightly lime shade of yellow) chest. In the evening we chatted to a fellow camper and got some tips on other Victorian hikes. Very weird going to bed while it is still light. The tank water here has lots of tannins, so even after filtering it looks like a cup of tea.


Distance    11.62km

Time         3 hours 58 minutes

Ascent      397m

Descent     262m

Temperatures 14.9 – 22.1 degrees Celcius

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