Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Dreamtime, Emu Park and Bluff Head (Yeppoon Trip)


Wednesday 7 July 2021

We started the day at the Dreamtime Cultural Centre with a guided tour of the Sandstone Belt display.  Our guide was a local man and explained the local version of the Rainbow Serpent stories and how when finished creating the waterways the Rainbow Serpent stopped to rest at Lake Nuga Nuga. He also explained the origins of the Milky Way.  This was followed by a Didgeridoo demonstration and basic explanation of technique. We then headed outside to a netted area to watch, and then try, boomerang throwing. I was surprised when one of my attempts returned so well, I had to duck to avoid being hit in the head.  There was also some beautiful aboriginal art on display.

Emu Park was our next stop. We explored the town, park and views over the beaches. The Singing Ship Memorial was quite active as it was windy. The eerie sounds are what I imagine a creaking ship may sound like. The ANZAC Memorial Walk was beautifully done – simple but powerful.

Afternoon tea was enjoyed at the causeway at Pinnacle Point.

Capricorn Coast National Park – Bluff Point Section allowed us a very scenic late afternoon hike to Bluff Head. This gave amazing views over the beaches north and south as well as Keppel Bay and its islands.  A beautiful short walk with top views.

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