Saturday, January 24, 2015

On to home

Saturday 24 January 2015

Up at 06:30 and chasing Hayden to stay focussed.  Breakfast, all packed and out the door just after 08:00 – off to the airport.
I was surprised that car return was just a matter of dropping off the keys – no receipt for return of the car.
The drive to the airport was so quick and easy that we actually had to wait fifteen minutes for check-in to open – it opens one hour before boarding, one and a half hours prior to departure.  We flew from Launceston to Melbourne on Virgin Flight VA1365 arriving in Melboune around 11:15. In Melbourne we changed to VA327 to fly back to Brisbane, arriving around 13:15 QLD time.  Mum met us at the airport and we headed home, arriving back around 4pm tired and happy.

What a wonderful trip!

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