Sunday, June 4, 2023

Day 3 of 8 Brisbane Valley Rail Trail - Linville to Harlin

 Sunday 4 June 2023 – Linville to Harlin

Before leaving Linville we visited the Linville markets, where we picked up some Caramel Slice for morning tea on the way. Today’s hike was more undulating than the previous two days, with some short steep sections.  The track surface was very good underfoot, with moderate sun exposure between Linville and Moore.  When reaching Moore the trail can be a little confusing as there are contradictory old and new signs.  We chose to follow the new signs and then detour into town for a very early lunch.  Moore has public toilets and showers in the park in the centre of town.  We chose to eat at Tilly’s Café, where we had the largest kebabs I have ever seen.  They were fantastic!

With very fully bellies we continued toward Harlin. This section had a lot of old bridge sites, which meant going down to water level and back up again.  These were not large but numerous.  The majority of this section is walking through open farmland.  There is a good view from Emu Creek.  I was also very grateful for the pedestrian bridge that has been built at Jimmy Gully specifically for rail trail users, as otherwise this would have been a steep descent and ascent.

We have camped for the night at the free camp in Harlin.  This has toilets but no showers. It appeared that none of the water was treated so I used my plunge filter for topping up our pack bladders.

There is a hotel in Harlin, however it was not apparent whether or not this was open.  The service station however is a busy spot and does burgers and chicken as well as the usual service station style foods.


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