Monday, June 27, 2022

Wondai, Cherboug and Maryborough

 27 June 2022 – 329 801

Wondai Timber Museum was our first destination, where we encountered a very informative gentleman.

Unfortunately, the Woodcutters Workshop was closed.  We then drove through Cherboug (where the Ration Shed Museum was fully booked, so will do this another time) and on to Bert Button Lookout for views over Bjelke Petersen Dam.

After packing down the van we have driven to River Run Farm Camping, approximately thirty minutes from Maryborough.  In the late afternoon we visited Maryborough City Hall, including the Cistern Chapel public toilets.  This is a very artistic public toilet block where the entirety of the walls and ceiling are covered with art.

Dinner was enjoyed sitting around the campfire with other campers.

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