Wednesday, January 11, 2017

11 January - Dubbo Zoo and Rhino Adventure

11 January 2017 - 206 289
Dubbo Zoo and Rhino Adventure

This morning we set a very early alarm in order to be able to do the Early Morning Walk at the Zoo.  This was a two hour walk led by volunteer guides – ours was Sharon – and took in parts of the zoo as well as behind the scenes sections. This was an excellent tour and well worth the early start.  The Siamang Apes put on an amazing vocalisation performance for us.  After this we went back and packed up the van in record time, before heading back to the zoo.  We were just in time to see the Meerkats being fed live crickets and listen to the keeper talk about these tiny creatures. 
We then headed to the meeting point for our Wild Rhino Tour.  This was a small group tour that took one hour and took us behind the scenes to look at the Black Rhino first – she is successfully pregnant.  Next up was the White Rhinos, including a calf; followed by the Greater One-horned Rhino with her calf.  These are all amazingly strong creatures.  One interesting thing I learnt about rhinos today was that they each chose to shape their horn individually, one of the White Rhino’s has quite an interesting horn shape as she like to use the fencing wires to grind hers.  
Picnic lunch destination today was near the Spider Monkeys and Ring-Tailed Lemurs.  We then drove around to look at the animals we had not time to see yesterday – African Lions, Galapagos Tortoises (including babies), Addax, assorted Australian animals (all of which we had seen in the wild on our journey), Oriental Small-clawed Otter as well as some of yesterdays favourites: the Giraffes and Siamang Apes.  After saying “Goodbye” to the zoo, and headed north.  The thing that impressed me most at the zoo was the great variety of animals with young, they are successfully breeding the vast majority of species present at the zoo, most of which are endangered in the wild.  As it was so hot, we decided to stay in the air-conditioned comfort and drive until almost dark.  We have stopped for the night at Redmond Park in Goondiwindi.

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