Sunday, January 1, 2017

1 January - Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park

1 January 2017 – 203 308
Port Lincoln and Lincoln National Park

This morning we didn’t wake up until 8am, which is very late for us.  We eventually headed to Port Lincoln to enjoy the views from Winter Hill Lookout and the Old Mill.  
We then drove to Lincoln National Park.  
Our first walk was the Stamford Hill Loop Walk, which gave great views over Boston Bay and towards Port Lincoln.  We also saw some remains of old wells from when the area was worked by woodcutters and graziers.  We then walked to Surfleet Cove and out to Surfleet Point.  This was very picturesque, with beautiful clear water over beds of seagrass.  
Our next destination was Cape Donnington Lighthouse.  This is a popular fishing spot, and if the amount we saw caught in the time we were there is any indication, a very good one.  From here, we could see across the water to Donnington Island, where there were large numbers of sea birds, as well as sea lions basking on the rocks.  
We then drove back to Port Lincoln and had a look at the trawlers in the marina – they are big boats, but not when I compare them with the Southern Ocean and all its power.

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