Thursday, January 12, 2017

Week 30 from Hayden

Week 30 from Hayden

Today I watched some “Grandtours”, they were really funny!  Then Mum and I played chess with the giant chess!  Then I watched some TV!

Today we packed down and moved.  We drove to NSW!  We stayed at a free rest area.

Today we packed down and drove to Broken Hill and did a big scenic drive.  It was interesting, then we looked at Silverton.  There was a massive amount of solar cells in Broken Hill, easily 100 thousand (no I am not exaggerating again!).  Then we drove to Cobar, tomorrow we want to get to Dubbo

Today we packed down and drove to Dubbo.  We went to the Taronga Western Plains Zoo.  First we saw the Black Handed Spider Monkeys, they were cool.  Then we saw the Ring Tailed Lemurs.  Over the day we saw White, Black and Greater One-Horned Rhinoceroses.  We watched the African Wild Dogs feeding.  It was amazing because they let the pups have what they wanted of the food before the adults ate!  We saw lots of elephants.

Today we finished the zoo.  There were lots of monkeys!  We finished and drove to Goondiwindi.

Today we drove to Auntie Kerry’s!  Then we went home!!


12 January - Home!!

12 January 2017 – 206 819

This morning we headed to the local water skiing park, where Goondiwindi is kind enough to provide free hot showers.  Then we headed for my sister’s place just north of Brisbane – lovely to see her and her family. We picked up the mountain of mail she had been kind enough to attend to in our absence, as well as all the packages we had posted home.  Then off to the Coast.  We topped up the fuel before heading to our home – Wow, I can’t believe this trip has already finished!  It has been amazing – 33 688km driven, 700+km hiked and amazing memories for us all.  Final Odomoeter reading 207 276!

Wednesday, January 11, 2017

11 January - Dubbo Zoo and Rhino Adventure

11 January 2017 - 206 289
Dubbo Zoo and Rhino Adventure

This morning we set a very early alarm in order to be able to do the Early Morning Walk at the Zoo.  This was a two hour walk led by volunteer guides – ours was Sharon – and took in parts of the zoo as well as behind the scenes sections. This was an excellent tour and well worth the early start.  The Siamang Apes put on an amazing vocalisation performance for us.  After this we went back and packed up the van in record time, before heading back to the zoo.  We were just in time to see the Meerkats being fed live crickets and listen to the keeper talk about these tiny creatures. 
We then headed to the meeting point for our Wild Rhino Tour.  This was a small group tour that took one hour and took us behind the scenes to look at the Black Rhino first – she is successfully pregnant.  Next up was the White Rhinos, including a calf; followed by the Greater One-horned Rhino with her calf.  These are all amazingly strong creatures.  One interesting thing I learnt about rhinos today was that they each chose to shape their horn individually, one of the White Rhino’s has quite an interesting horn shape as she like to use the fencing wires to grind hers.  
Picnic lunch destination today was near the Spider Monkeys and Ring-Tailed Lemurs.  We then drove around to look at the animals we had not time to see yesterday – African Lions, Galapagos Tortoises (including babies), Addax, assorted Australian animals (all of which we had seen in the wild on our journey), Oriental Small-clawed Otter as well as some of yesterdays favourites: the Giraffes and Siamang Apes.  After saying “Goodbye” to the zoo, and headed north.  The thing that impressed me most at the zoo was the great variety of animals with young, they are successfully breeding the vast majority of species present at the zoo, most of which are endangered in the wild.  As it was so hot, we decided to stay in the air-conditioned comfort and drive until almost dark.  We have stopped for the night at Redmond Park in Goondiwindi.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

10 January - Dubbo Zoo

10 January 2017 – 205 965
Dubbo Zoo

After yesterday’s 45 degrees, it was still 37 degrees at midnight, so none of us had an ideal night’s sleep.  After an early start, we arrived in Dubbo just before lunch.  We parked the van and headed to the zoo.  We watched the African Wild Dogs feed on a roo carcass – I was quite surprised that the adults allow the puppies to eat first.
We watched the Ring-Tailed Lemurs and the Black-Handed Spider Monkeys being fed fruit.  We also looked at Meerkats, Black Rhinoceros, White Rhinoceros, Greater One-horned Rhinoceros, African Elephants, Asian Elephants (including a calf), Bongo, Giraffes, Eland, Hippopotami, Siamang Apes, Gibbons, Zebra and a Sumatran Tiger.  We then went to the caravan park and set up for the night, so that we can use the other half of our ticket tomorrow.  After dinner, I gave the boys haircuts and we had a swim to cool down.

Monday, January 9, 2017

9 January - Broken Hill and Silverton

9 January 2017 – 205 397
Broken Hill and Silverton

This morning we headed into Broken Hill for hot showers (provided for free by the council and one of the best hot showers I have had since leaving home), top up on fuel and get groceries – all the exciting stuff!  On the way into town we saw a new solar plant – it can only be described as absolutely massive!  
Our first tourist destination for the day was the Pro Hart Gallery – still love his paintings, particularly the ones in the style of “Sunday Papers” and “Home Brew Party” with lots of little details.  
We then drove around the town admiring the old buildings and homes in their great diversity.  The Miners Memorial overlooking the mine and the town were also quite special.  The list of dates of deaths in the mines reflects the massive increase in the emphasis on safety as time has passed.  
We then drove out to Silverton to admire their old buildings and see the ghost town.  
After a picnic lunch, we headed East.  We have never seen this road so green and with so many goats – they were everywhere.  We have stopped for the night at a lovely free camp called Newey Reservoir in Cobar.

Sunday, January 8, 2017

8 January - Barossa to Broken Hill (almost)

8 January 2017 – 204 922
Barossa to Broken Hill (almost)

This morning we packed up and left the Baroosa.  Our first destination was Burra, where we stopped for morning tea and enjoyed the lovely old buildings.  
We then headed towards Jamestown to admire their Krupp Canon and read the RM Williams information.  Hayden had a good play in the playground here. 
Then on to Peterborough through assorted small towns with their War Memorials and heritage buildings.  
We then drove on to just East of the South Australia – New South Wales border.  The country on this section of the Barrier Highway is incredibly flat, amongst the flattest I have seen on the entire trip, with a very moody sky.  We have stopped for the night at a rest area just before Broken Hill.

Saturday, January 7, 2017

7 January - Lazy Day

7 January 2017 – 204 922
Lazy Day

We slept in, then did nothing, all day!  It was a stinking hot day, low forties with a hot dry wind.  We did some reading, some audio books and some lying around. Hayden and I had a game of chess, as usual Hayden won.  I slept for two hours in the middle of the day, and spent the afternoon sitting in the air conditioned common room listening to my audio book and finishing off the cross stitch I started on Christmas Eve.  After dinner, we had a swim before I went to bed and the boys headed to the common room to watch 20/20 cricket.

Friday, January 6, 2017

Week 29 from Hayden

Week 29 from Hayden

New Years Eve! Today we went to Coffin Bay National Park and saw a sea lion surfing in the waves!  They are not meant to do that! Then we did some walks and saw a sea lion scrubbing itself.  Then we went back to the van and stayed up unitil Midnight!

Today we did some walks.  We went to the sealion colony!

Today we packed down and drove to Carappee Hill Conservation Reserve.  We thought it was a walk (no!) then we drove to Gawler Range N.P. and set up.

Today we did a short walk, then we went on a 4WD track to the Organ Pipes.  Then I did a test drive in the car! (yeah)  Then we drove to Fitzgerald Bay!  There we set up.

Today I spewed, then we went to a Steelworks tour (not as good as I hoped).  Then we toured the HMAS Whyalla! (big ship)  Then we went to a lookout.

Today we packed down and drove to Port Augusta.  We stopped for me to spew!  Then we drove to the Barossa and set up.


Today we went to a lot of boring wineries and bought a lot of wine.

6 January - Barossa Feast

6 January 2017 – 204 818
Barossa Feast

Today we wandered around the Barossa tasting the delightful foods and wines, and enjoying the sights.  
We began with a wander through Nuriootpa, before heading to Penfolds winery, followed by Yelland and Papps Winery.  
Drew was specifically looking for straight Grenache, not blended with other wines.  Next up, we drove to Tanunda.  
We visited Peter Lehman Wines, St Johns Lutheran Church and drove past the early traditional German style homes.  
Morning tea was Bienenstich and German Fruit Cake – the Bienenstich at this bakery was every bit as good as I remember!  Rockford Winery was our next destination, Drew’s all time favourite Grenache – and we stocked up.  
We then drove through Bethany, admiring the old village, before heading up the hill to Bethany Wines, where I purchased there beautiful White Port.  
From Mengler Hill we could lookout over the Barossa Valley and see just how much is vineyard.  After a picnic lunch, we drove to Kie’s Winery, where I stocked up on their beautiful Tawny Port.  Next up, was Gully Gardens – with the most delicious dried stone fruits, apricots, peaches, plums and even nectarines.  
This was followed by the Baroosa Valley Cheese Company, which makes a beautiful creamy Camembert.  Last up for the day was Yalumba Winery, followed by the German Smallgoods Butcher in Nuriootpa to buy sauerkraut and german sausages (brattwrust, mettwurst, laberwurst).