Friday, April 7, 2023

Kilkivan to Kingaroy (South Burnett) Rail Trail - Day 1

 7 April 2023 – Good Friday
We left the Sunshine Coast early in convoy and drove to Kingaroy.  We parked one vehicle at the old Kingaroy Railway Building.  After piling into one vehicle with our packs, we headed to the Kilkivan end of the rail trail, where we parked the other vehicle.  All the time we were in the cars the rain just kept coming down, finally easing to a drizzle as we approached Kilkivan.

After a quick toilet stop, we popped the raincoats onto our packs and our group of five headed off.  Today’s walk was from Kilkivan to Goomeri – which is on gravel and mowed paths, mainly through private land with lots of gates.  The drizzle lasted less than an hour and the weather remained overcast which was a blessing as there was very little shade on this section. 

Last check before loading up

A midday rest

Trying to avoid exercise induced vasculitis

A very long walk with heavy packs today – 28.5km.  I had a 14.5kg pack, which is heavier than I have previously carried.  Unfortunately, due to the high humidity, heat and my heavy pack I once again experienced some exercise induced vasculitis despite the compression socks and regular breaks to put my legs in the air – nowhere near as bad as previously though.

We stopped at the Foodworks in town on arrival and bought our food for dinner – chicken sandwiches for us.  Then on to the Goomeri Showgrounds for the night to camp and well-deserved, and needed, hot showers.  Over dinner we caught up with some day walkers who were camping at the showgrounds.

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