Sunday, September 12, 2021

Cooloola Great Walk Day 3 - 22km


Day 3. 22km

I had planned to sleep in and have a leisurely breakfast on the last day, however I woke at first light, so decided to pack and make a move, to ensure I walked easy for the day, without pushing the pace. The start of the walk was pretty, with nice views as described from last night. The walking was on some sand however the footing was solid. I did make the small side turn to the top of Mt Seewah and the view was worth the detour. Once the walk went behind Teewah village, the walk turned into an undulating, hot, sweaty, airless drudge behind the dunes towards the cutting. I am glad I stayed true to the trail, however I would suggest to others to walk on the beach. At least you have a beautiful view, as the path did not. I was pleased, to say the least, when I crossed the cutting and walked onto the beach. It was a Sunday so the beach was packed with people however once I past the crowds I met a lady at the very start of her journey hiking in the opposite direction. We talked a few minutes helping each other find the trail, and some other information I think we were both pleased to have passed on. I wish I had gathered contact details from this lady and some others on this walk as it would have been great to hear how each other went on our adventures. Before the last km or 2 of the trail I stopped where the trail re-entered the bush and had a long swim in the ocean, my first clean in 3 days and slowly ate a big meal. I aired my back as my old pack no longer fitted me well, and I had lost a lot of skin in the lumber region. Refreshed, I walked the last km or 2 to the end of the trail. I was a little pleased with myself. After a stop at the convenience store for a large soft drink I took my time hiking to the ferry, for the trip to Tewantin. This is the point at which I followed my tradition and left my walk stick, that I collected at the start of the walk in Rainbow beach, in the park beside the ferry.

Wrap up.

This is a beautiful walk however I recommend you complete it over 5 days. Stop and enjoy the natural beauty. I plan to complete this walk again, once over 5 days, and once as a single solo trail run.

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