Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Views around Bowen and the Catalina Flying Boats

Wednesday 3 July 2019 – 266 475

This morning I explored the general Bowen area by going for a run.  I met the boys at Horseshoe Bay and had another snorkel. 
This time I treated the inside of my snorkel mask with baby shampoo and it didn’t fog.  I was able to see so much more of the coral and heaps of fish.  I saw Pacific Blue Eyes, fish with black and white stripes; white, yellow and blue fish.

In the afternoon we went exploring and looking at views – Yasso Point (mouth of Don River), Mt Nutt lookout (great views, including over the mango orchards) and then the top of Bowen Hill to look at the fantastic murals on the water tanks.  We the explored the business district and looked at the many, well done, murals.


On the waterfront at Port Denison there is a display regarding the Catalina Flying Boats that were stationed here during WW2.  The hardstand remains, and the stencils of two aircraft are painted on it, giving their size.  They had a bigger wingspan than I had realised and had a flying range of over 4000km.  The information display is cleverly done so that you can look through it to the water and hardstand beyond, giving the illusion that the aircraft are actually present.

Last stop for the day was Flagstaff Hill – this again gives great views, including North Head Lighthouse and its low tide path from the mainland, Gloucester Island and Gloucester Point, as well as out across the ocean.

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