Sunday, October 4, 2020

Short Walks in the Bundaberg Area (Bundaberg Trip)


4 October 2020 – 295 879 – Short Walks

This morning we walked across the Burnett Bridge and along the boardwalk beside the Burnett River.  The water was still and it was picturesque this early in the morning.  After a big birthday breakfast we drove north to Moore Park Beach.  It was high tide which here means very little beach.  It was also quite windy which was making the sea choppy.  Behind the beach was a lagoon that was very popular with the birds.

Our next stop was Meadowvale Nature Park which gave views of the river and had a nice cool patch of Cabbage palms and some unusual paperbarks.

Then onto Sharon Gorge Nature Park – a pretty walk, some on boardwalk and some on natural terrain down to the Burnett River.

We then packed up the van, just getting the roof down before a shower rolled in.  We took the Old Highway to Childers through prime crop country, stopping off at Alloway Farm market for some devine strawberries on the way home.

295 244 (Total 1123km)

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Wildflowers, Ice-creams and Rockpools (Bundaberg Trip)

 3 October 2020 – 295 767 – Wildflowers, Ice-creams and Rockpools

Vera Scarth Wildflower Reserve provided a short walk with several types of wildflowers and lots of animal track in the sand at the start of the day.

Then off to get groceries for someone’s birthday breakfast tomorrow.

Barolin Nature Reserve was our late morning walk.  It was difficult to find and nothing special, but would make an enjoyable short trail run. 

Tinaberries Strawberry Farm was our next stop. 

The plan was to have one of their real fruit strawberry icecreams before heading to the beach for lunch.  On seeing the ice-cream cones we decided they were lunch – enormous, full of strawberries and not too sweet. Then on to Elliott Heads for a walk along the foreshore, again very pretty!

Last stop was Barolin Rocks – unfortunately it was too rough for us to snorkel, but I spent an hour or so exploring the rockpools.  Some of these pools were quite deep, with coral and fish in.  There was also a narrow channel where we could watch waves crash in and a small cave that would be underwater at high tide.  This would be a great spot to return to in calm conditions.

Friday, October 2, 2020

Burrum Coast National Park, Woodgate Beach (Bundaberg Trip)

 2 October 2020 – 295 625 – Burrum Coast National Park, Woodgate Beach

South was today’s direction, setting out to explore Burrum Coast National Park – Woodgate Section. 

First we drove to Walker’s Point to do the Melaleuca Track – this took us through a variety of microclimates: mangroves, salt pan, paperbark forest, palm groves and sand dune.  There were several areas where there had been “hot’ fires through in the last season or two.  We had morning tea at Burrum River Campground; a pretty spot by the ocean.  Back at Walker’s Point we had a look at the inlet and across toward Burrum Heads.

Banksia Park in Woodgate Beach was today’s lunchtime picnic spot.

The Boardwalk and Banksia Track were next.  We saw several small wildflowers including carrot top and prickly leaved paperbark.  There were lots of Banksias, but unfortunately most of them had been badly burnt.

We then drove to the mouth of Theodolite Creek and had a swim before heading back to Woodgate Beach for hamburgers and chips on the beach.

A tiring but pleasant day.